Search Results
Anna Böhmer - Iron-based superconductors: Materials, magnetism and tuning methods
Talks - Elastic Tuning and Response of Electronic Order - Anna BÖHMER, KIT
Iron-based superconductors as a new Majorana playground ▸ Hong Ding #MZERO-OC21
Anna Böhmer - Evolution of nematic fluctuations in CaK(Fe,Ni)4As4 and hole-doped BaFe2As2
Hong Ding (IOP, Beijing): “Iron-based superconductors as a new Majorana playground”
Giant Iron Selenide - ATOM festival - Crystals
Anna Böhmer - International Young Farmers' Exchange 2019
Orbital-selective Mott physics and the phase diagram of iron-based superconductors
Depinning of single vortex from large isolated defect [a = 16ξ]
The orbital character of bands of BaFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 studied by ARPES - Cris Adriano
Nematicity and superconductivity in multi-band Fe-based superconductors as seen ...
A. Moreo: "Low-dimensional iron-based superconductors"